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Since its founding over a century ago, Alpha Kappa Alpha's mission has been to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among women, and to study & help alleviate problems concering girls and women in order to improve their social stature and to be of 'Service to All Mankind.' 


The Tau Upsilon Omega Chapter is proud to highlight seven members of our prestigious sorority that have served the community for 50 or more years. These women are known as our Golden Soror's and we salute them.


E. Johnetta Wilson 

Initiated January 1951


BS Degree in Math and Secondary Education, Clark Atlanta University


MA Degree in Counseling 

Chapman College


Estella San Juan

Initiated December 1953


BS Degree in Education 

Texas Southern University


MA Degree in Education

Curriculum and Instruction 

Chapman University


*Former Chapter President


Earline Murray

Initiated November 1959


BA Degree in English 

Southern University


MA Degree in English

University of Santa Clara


*Former Chapter President


Cliffy Jones

Initiated May 1968


BA Recreation Therapy 

Grambling State University 


MA Degree Therapeutic Recreation

New York University 


Bertha Hamilton 

Initiated May 1968 


BA Music and Minor in Education

San Jose State University 


MA Degree in Education and Instruction

Arizona State University



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Gwendolyn Lawton 

Initiated November 1969


BA Mathematics/Science 

Florida A & M University 


MA Degree in Statistics 

Florida State University 


MA Degree in Education & Instruction

University of California Berkeley 


*Former Chapter President


Jennifer Ritchie 

Initiated December 1969


BA Speech Pathology 

Indiana State University 


MA Degree in Speech Pathology 

Indiana State University 

Ria Rabun Persinger 

Initiated February 1972


BS Business Administration

San Jose State University


Charter Member Zeta Psi

San Jose State University


*Former Chapter President

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